Adult merchant account (s)

What is Adult Merchant Account?

Adult merchant are the high risk category accounts. Each business has its own type depending upon the risk factor present in it. Businesses deals in credit card processing online have the high probability of being fraud and targeted are considered high risk merchant accounts. Adult services are considered in such category to keep the bulk of the merchant account providers away from adult service businesses. Banks and merchant service providers try to keep themselves away from such business. Acquring a adult merchant account from a bank is quite difficult as it is hard to ensure them the business is kept away from fraudalent activities. Adult merchant accounts deals with processing of credit card online for receiving payments when customer come to buy any product or services offered by adult business. In such case, for this purpose adult business try to acquire a merchant account which can facilitate easy processing of payments with online credit cards. Nowadays, domestic as well as internal banks offers adult merchant accounts with some terms and conditions.

Payment Modes:

Adult merchant accounts normally offers two payment modes either monthly or one off fees.

Mostly adult businesses try to gain monthly membership fees; as it adds to substential gurantee to payments. On the other hand it attracts lots of customer offering standard quality, motivation and captilizing values on behafe of the products and offering, adding a valuable profit to the customer.

Most of the adult merchant account service providers charge 20% of the total transaction done as a service charge they are giving to particular adult merchant account.

Less profit – less money, less chances of expanding money. Similarly with high rate, less probablity of customers to join is quite difficult to analyse the exact need in dealing with high risk merchant accounts.

There are quite a few that we’ve found – except their rates can be as high as 20%. That means you pay 20% of your takings to them for providing the service. But there are other, cheaper merchants out there if you search hard enough.

Incase you didn’t know most merchant account providers steer well clear of adult sites. They simply will be quite faster then that of domestic adult merchant accounts because they don’t want to be associated with such a high-risk venture as adult sites. Which makes your life difficult, as it really does take quite a bit of research. The best option is to hire a adult merchant account form foreign bank so they do not know exactly thep to 4-5% per month. Payment mode of transac location of customer and its personal information verification. They offer both one-off transactions and recurring billing for membership sites with loads of options of how often you’d like your members to be rebilled.


Impressive fraude prevention tools are deviced to prevent adult merchant account from fraud. Advanced Fraud Screen is the new technology which is the only such piece of software endorsed by Visa themselves.

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